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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We all love them

Ever imagined a day in the world without politicians? Lets take a world tour..

China: Although internet liberty may overwhelm chinese for a day, chini mini junta will be missing the regular dalai lama lambasting and the desperate attempt of their politicians to show their new economic-muscle power to the tini mini neighbors..

US: People will finally start believing that 'the change' has happened! But obviously they will have to work harder to save the jobs as without politicians' anti-bacterial bills the outsourcing bug will attack the american corporations..

Europe ( Lets make them happier last time by not singling out each of them): Should be the happiest people as there will be no bugger to tell them to take austerity measures or not to migrate to germany..God bless germans if the great european migration happens in single day only!

Middle east (as we like to call all black loving countries: crude and burqa the most abundant): Apparently there are no such specie called politicians of the world found their but the public can at least enjoy the good old hard rock music finally!

India: We can have full separate archive on Indian politicians, going by our deep knowledge about them. We may finally stop fighting for reservation, for temples & mosques, for language, for rivers..the list is big.. lets just say we may have one day full of silence dedicated to the death of a politician!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


We are 7 billion people on this planet! different shades ethnicity religion language and most importantly behavior. I suppose it must not be easy for even god# to micromanage the freaky god-her(him)self-sent-individuals and that re-enforces my belief that God also prefers macro-management as a tool for project (read for human operational control procedure) management*

However, we the people of earth# often fail to understand this complexity of world. Infact we are so naive that we expect each one other then us ( of-course everyone believes in i am perfect idiom) to be concerned about I, I sensitivity, I likeness, I favorite, I religion and billions of I..
It will be a greatest possible service to god if we just dump our baggage and start caring less about what others thinks about I. yeahh! ever felt relieved when some of your work was automatically taken care of!

Every time i hear of some section/ group or individual grieving about getting hurt because of some other group or individual didn't respect their sentiments. My heart cries.. awww.. god!

# Assuming Aliens to our earth are self controlled species.
* When i talk in this language, you may safely assume that i am pissed off from my job.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Liberalization eye-bath

It was the usual coffee break discussion in the balcony of the sprawling building that has just got its one of the most popular (at least for its occupants) satire from ET:

"Still, it is hard to believe these deeds of EIL or soak in its rich history when one enters its towering headquarters at Delhi's Bhikaji Cama Place. Every nook and corner of the building reminds us what EIL actually is, a bona fide PSU, those lumbering giants playing catch-up with nimble-footed private rivals"

Why would any governing body that wants welfare of its society get into micromanaging of industry? Especially when everything ranging from efficient system delivery to policy making is in crises.

I have worked in one such venture in more then half of a decade asking the same question to myself several times. I will be repeating the off beaten outcry of business pundits to gloss over the functioning of PSUs. But all through I have felt this several times that It would be much simpler and better if a public welfare state lives literally by its name.

May be the answer lies in the inherent bureaucratic liver control that our system has since its inception. After-all, Liberty reduces to one of the most popularly used hypocritical word that everyone talks about but very few actually want to give away! Apparently we did started on this journey back in 1991 but argumentatively that was a desperate step to save the collapse of one fifth population of the world ( Indeed successful one) with the help of already applied economic models that worked for the other world half a century away at least in the beginning of modern state evolution .

I have my own apprehensions about long term success of these models though..the evolution shall continue...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Celebrity Teaser '12

Reporting LIVE:
In the most recent development Baba ramdev has been smitten by Black ink. As per Reports, famous yoga guru was addressing a press conference to express his hatred for things that are black but are owned by whites in our country. Although baba was quite concerned about black spots on his only white dress that has been gifted to him few months ago by a lady follower, he was surprisingly excited about the new development. When asked by few reporters, yoga sensation replied that he might be the very first celebrity to be given black ink welcome in public after the series of boot/ shoe throwing incidents across the world that rocked the media houses last year. Politicians, on the other hand, have shown mixed reaction to the incident.
Where some politicians have expressed desire to trail back the origin of this black ink that might have some linkages to white politicians others have ridiculed the ink as opposition's new prank to stall well functioning parliament.
A famous politician with canine voice and who happens to be the smartest of all when asked to comment on the situation was observed making interesting expressions.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Scuba Diving!

Friends, I already mentioned about fickleness of my mind when it comes to deciding the topic. In fact, this is the fourth topic that i concluded to finally write today. Though i feel describing one of the colleague's fear of spending Home-alone night in secluded apartment could have been fun, I decided to settled on this less controversial, exciting & informative topic.

As we all know its Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus that we carry helps us to experience this divine world, bringing us to instant harmony with magnificent products of nature.
There are several SCUBA diving resorts across the world that provide the services ranging from arranging professional instructors to real sites!

Basic doubts:

Is it safe? Yes if you have proper training and you follow the instructions there is a very rare chance that you will find yourself in trouble while doing the activity.

No certification is required to dive and Once you see how great scuba is, the next step is to complete an open water certification. As a certified diver, you can dive any where there is a dive shop. With 71 percent of the planet covered with water, there is an endless supply of dive destinations.

How Deep can scuba divers go?Divers are limited by physical laws to a certain amount of time underwater and a maximum depth. The recreational (no-decompression) diving limit is 130 ft (40 meters). Recreational diving can be defined as diving to a certain depth for a certain amount of time and being able to make a slow, direct ascent to the surface without doing staged decompression stops and without sufficient risk of decompression sickness. To dive beyond the recreational limit, you need to have technical dive training and equipment. Technical training and procedures enable divers to dive deeper than ever before and experience a fantastic underwater odyssey. With the advancement of science and technology, who knows out deep divers will be able to go in the future.
Ever wondered why everything appears lush blue under the water in movies or pictures? Here are some fun-facts about diving

You may experience SCUBA in India too.. in awesome waters of Goa! Ohh how much i love goa!! ( More about goa soon in coming blogs)

Till then hold on to that dream of living a life of free soul of a diver in unexplored untouched pristine waters of the planet Earth!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Start of a blogger!

I was struggling to write a script ( as i have been since the thought of writing a blog entered my mind) sometimes it was too many issues chasing my head or sometimes I had real issues that might have been any of them----------->
  • Sleep ( has to be the first one)
  • The topic i am going to write just seems lame (please don't ask about it)
  • Bad day (i really believe in that when it comes to scribbling)

.....Its getting worse now.....

  • The turtle jumped from the tomato-prawns food platter (HE did! has to be an omen!)
  • The girl across the office table hated bloggers ( for the obvious reason-no. 1)
  • The dumb guy at work acted intelligent ( He is the only one who use to listen to my alien existence crap)

The list is endless we will keep revisiting them in future to fill the unnecessary gaps.
But but but..from here write anything that comes my way towards my journey of unfinished business of being a professional mind blowing blogger one day! ( I hate to admit this)

PS: I have left the blank after 'I' for the obvious reason no.-2 ;)

Public appeal: please ignore the aesthetics/template design or anything else that matters that makes the blog look like a beach-resort-webpage, i am working on it!